
 * static utility methods for dealing with courses
public class CourseUtilities {

    // Utility class; this allows jacoco to be satisified that constructors are covered.
    private CourseUtilities() {} 

     * Given a subject area and course number, return a course id that is formatted
     * similarly to the precise way that course numbers are formatted in UCSB's GOLD system.
     * That format has the subject area left justified in an 8 character field,
     * followed by the course number right justified in a 3 character field,
     * followed
     * by the suffix (if any) left justified in a 2 character field.
     * However, we use this function to query rtora's CSV files with grade data, at
     * in which this course
     * id is trimmed, such that there are never ending spaces.
     * Therefore, we intentionally also trim the result course id in this function to
     * properly query the CSV files. For example, CMPSC 130A would typically be written:
     * "CMPSC   130A "
     * but we return "CMPSC   130A" to query the CSV file.
     * @param subjectArea  subject area, such as CMPSC
     * @param courseNumber course number, such as 130A
     * @return formatted course number
    public static String makeFormattedCourseId(String subjectArea, String courseNumber) {
        String[] nums = courseNumber.split("[a-zA-Z]+");
        String[] suffs = courseNumber.split("[0-9]+");
        String result = "";
        if (suffs.length < 2) { // no suffix
            result = String.format("%-8s", subjectArea) // 'CMPSC '
                    + String.format("%3s", nums[0]) // ' 8'
        } else {
            result = String.format("%-8s", subjectArea) // 'CMPSC '
                    + String.format("%3s", nums[0]) // ' 8'
                    + String.format("%-2s", suffs[1]) // 'A '
        return result.trim();